Gilroy Veterans Hall Building Improvement Campaign
$258,392.90 Raised to Date for Kitchen Remodel
A special thank you to all the donors for their generous support.
Because of these donations, the Gilroy Veterans Hall
has beautiful, new handicap-accessible bathrooms
and we're working towards the next project - a kitchen remodel.
AB Simmons
Gloria Adame
Manuel Alarcon
William Allan Jr.
Al Alciati
American Legion Post 217
American Legion Auxiliary
American Legion Hall Asoc.
Frank Angelo
Patrick Arredondo
Margie Ayala
Mark Baliton
Dustin & Brandy Barnes
Mary Basile
Clay Bentson
Frank Biafore
Joseph & Barbara Biafore Jr.
John & Shirley Blaetler in honor of fathers WWII vet Peter M. Blaetler & Korean War vet
Robert C. Drewitz
Marie Blankley
Barbara Bottini
Kenneth Boucher
Toni Bowles
David Brinton
Tina Bundros
CalColor Growers, LLC
Ben Carrasco
John Ceballos
Thomas & Marla Chavez
Coast Range Cross Fit
Coldwell Banker
Combat Vets Motorcycle
Assoc. Ch. 33-4
Laurence Connell
Frank Corocco
Deborah Cottingham
Keith Davis
Bob & Genn de Aragon
Jose & Rita Delgado
Bob Diaz
Ruby Diaz
C. Drewitz
Robert Elia
Elks Lodge #1567
Stetson & Charlotte Ferotte
John D. Flynn
Tony Fuentes
Phil Garcia
James Gargiulo
Jose Garza
GI Forum
William Gilmore
Gilroy Elks Lodge #1567
Gilroy Exchange Club
Gilroy Garlic Festival
Gilroy Leadership Class '22
Robert Goldman
Richard Gomer
Joe V. Gonzales
Patrick & Mercy Goold
Tom Goold
Albert Guerini
Richard Guerrero
H&R Block
Habing Funeral Home
Allan Hale
George E. Hall
William "Joe" Hall
Happy Days Reunion
of the 60s Committee
Edward Heffernan
Heinzen Manufacturing Int’l
Joan Hill
Douglas Jeske
Chet & Tina Kirby
Jim Kroske
Janet Krulee
Susan Kugler
William Lane
James Law
Terry Lenadard
Joan Marvia Lewis in Memory of
Thomas Lewis
Long-Grunbaum Trust
Carlos & Juanita Lopez
Joe Loquiao
Larry Lozano
Carol Lucas
Lucas Survivor's Trust)
Maple Leaf RV Park
William Maquinalez
Joan Marfia Lewis
Clyde Marney
Victor Martinez
Camille McCormack
Denise Phillips McElhiney
Steve McWilliams
Raul Mendoza
Samuel Miceli
Dick & Artis Miller
Danny Mitchell
Daisy Miura in Honor of Mas Miura
Monterey Army Recruiters
Sandra Moretti
Morgan Hill Independence
Day Committee
Brian O'Mara
Samuel & Terry Palmisano
Edward Park
Edward Perez
Gabe Perez
John Perez, DDS
Jose Perez
Juan Perez
John Piedmont
Pinnacle Bank
Stephen Poli in honor of WWII vet Edward J. Poli
Ermelindo & Mary Ann Puente
Jennell Redd
1SG Daniel Rhodes
Tom Roach
Gary Rocchi
Mary Ann Rodriguez
James and Sue Ann Rulfs
Emmanuel Salcedo
Jesse Sanchez
In Honor of Frank "Pancho" Sanchez
Diane Sanchez Bentz in Memory of
Bob Diaz
Sandy's Café
Santa Clara County Board of
Ken Sato
Special District Risk
Management Authority
Mark Segovia
Craig & Lorayne Simmons
Sons of Retirement Branch No. 119
South Valley Property Mgmt.
Richard Stewart
Chris Stuker
David Sturla in Honor of Jack Sturla
Jack Thurman
Raul Torrez
Fernie Valdez
Robert Van Tassel
Harold Van Winkle
VFW Post 6309
VFW Post 6309 Auxiliary
VFW Bingo Winners
VFW Flag Pole Fund
David Vincent
Alfred "Ted" Viola
David & Laurie Washer
James A Ward Law Offices
Supervisor Mike Wasserman
Dennis West
Dorothy Wilkinson in Memory of
Maurice Wilkinson
Wayne Winningham
In Honor of Bernie Yamane
Carol Yamane
Tom Yamano
Richard Young
Bradley and Dolores White