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Veterans Memorial Building

In 1945, members of the Gilroy community service clubs met and decided that something should be done for local veterans and a 12-member committee was formed to develop a plan. It was decided a building should be dedicated to veterans and they set out to secure property.


Once the property at 74 W. Sixth Street was secured, the South Santa Clara Valley Memorial District was formed. The board spent the next several years raising money through a local tax assessment and the 6,350-square-foot Veterans Memorial Hall opened on May 25, 1951. The building, which includes a bar, full kitchen, auditorium, meeting room, and garden patio, cost $90,000 including furnishings.

Click on arrows on sides of pictures for slide show.

Mayor George C. Milias presided over the opening ceremonies. Lieutenant Governor Goodwin C. Knight dedicated the building with state heads of both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign War in attendance.


Today four veterans groups use the Memorial Hall for meetings. These groups include the American Legion Post 217, the Auxiliary of the American Legion Post 217, the Veterans of Foreign War Post 6309 and the Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign War Post 6309.


However, the Hall is available to all residents of the District service area, including all members of the armed services, non-profit organizations and the general public.


The District’s board of directors is determined to provide a quality, first-class facility to make the community proud.

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Virtual Tour

Rental Agreemnt

Rental Information

3,465 total square feet in Main and Dining Halls combined

Main Hall – 125 dining; 267 assembly

Dining Hall – 54 dining; 116 assembly



8 Hour Events
Wedding Receptions, Dinners, Adult Birthday Parties, etc. 

$1,750, with $100 due at time of booking.


4 Hour Events

Business Meetings, baby showers, and other short events

$900, with $100 due at time of booking.


Memorial Services (Usually 4 Hours)

$450, with $100 due at time of booking.


For more information about renting our facilities and to receive a rental agreement, please call (408) 842-3838 to schedule an appointment or complete the form below.


*Prices as of July 1, 2024

Quick Notes

Rental Fee Includes - Bar Service, Staff & Security, tables & chairs for 125 people, use of kitchen & BBQ pits, 80-Cup Coffee Maker, ice machine. 


Alcohol NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOL. Event guests may purchase drinks from the bar. The Bar takes cash only. There is an ATM on site.


Set Up – Renter is responsible for setting up tables and chairs the way they want them. 


Cleaning Up – Put all trash in barrels provided. Clean kitchen if used. Put tables and chairs away.  




Coffee Pot - We can provide a coffee pot, but we don’t provide coffee.


Dishes/Utensils/Linens - Renter must provide all the items needed.


Decorations – Nothing may be affixed to the walls, windows, lights, ceilings, furniture, fixtures or any other property. Helium balloons MUST be tied to a weight . No CONFETTI or GLITTER of any type..


Print complete Event Details Sheet.


Children and Young Adult Parties Policy (under 21 years of age):

We do not allow parties for children and young adults including but not limited to birthday parties, sweet 16s, bar/bat mitzvahs, quinceaneras, and high school graduation parties.


We allow meetings for children such as through Scouts, school, social clubs, or other similar organizations.  We allow baby showers, baptisms, and similar parties if most attendees are over the age of 21.  These parties may happen at any time of the day.


Parties are allowed if the guest of honor is at least 21 years old.  Proof of age is required with a birth certificate, passport, or other government/school issued identification.

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